How to start Prepping: A guide for beginners

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So, you want to be a Prepper? However, you don’t even know where to begin? You’re overwhelmed at the amount of information out there and how important it is to prepare? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

A lot of people, at some point in their lives, experience some sort of tragic or catastrophic event. This event could be a tornado, hurricane, pandemic, home invasion, war etc. These events range in magnitude and severity, but to the person experiencing the event it was still an experience they were probably not prepared for and often wish they had been!

Unfortunately, especially in America, most people are not survivalists. They do not know where or how to begin to prepare. I am here to help! Did you know that around 60% of American’s live paycheck to paycheck, or that the average grocery store will be out of supplies within 3 days if supply is disrupted? My goal is to aid you in being ready for whatever you may want to be prepared for, and not to overwhelm you. Regardless of how ready you may be.

First, lets cover the term Prepper, what it means to become a Prepper, and then we will cover some basics.

  • Prepper: A person who actively prepares for dynamic emergencies, catastrophic events, and static long term degrading situations in order to survive. Also referred to a Survivalist.

Now, that you know the definition of a Prepper, what does it mean to become one? Well, this is a heavily debated topic, as everyone has their opinions on what “prepared” means. You will be hard pressed to find two Preppers that are preparing for the same event. Prepping is a growing community with a strengthening online and social presence. While many Preppers are rarely ever on the same level or point of preparing, we all share knowledge, tricks, and tips! You are not alone in this effort and the information is often overwhelming.

The big question many beginners have, is where to begin…….

To begin prepping you need to ask yourself a few questions. It’s important to ask yourself these questions because if you fail to identify why you are starting this journey, you’ll end up wasting money, time, or worse, you’ll prepare for the wrong thing! So ask yourself:

  1. What is it that I am preparing for and why? Hurricane, tornado, wild fires, zombie apocalypse(yeah I see you!). This question will guide you to start preparing for the right event. Do you live in the Midwest? If so, why would you prepare for a hurricane? Your location dictates a lot of things! Are you close to a nuclear plant? Or a volcano? Do some research, you will be amazed at the dangers that are right next door! I will elaborate on this topic more in a separate blog, but to get started you need to answer this question. Whatever it is, no matter how bizarre, do not get discouraged. Prepping is a state of mind! After all, it’s your life, family, money, and time! You do you!

  2. Now that you have figured out what you want to prepare for and you know why, you’ll want to know if your significant other or family is on board with your plan. This is a very real question and can affect your plan greatly! Talk with your family before you begin. Give them reasons as to why you all need to do this. TRUST me, you will thank me later!

  3. The last question to ask yourself, is where are you financially and physically? Yes, you will need to spend some cash to prep, but having a good plan and strategy will help. Your mind is your most valuable tool, but tools need supplies. Do not fall into the belief that you must be financially well-off to begin. You can and need to prep on a budget! You just need to know where you stand and how much you can invest, because this will play into the prioritization of what you need to obtain first. Physical fitness matters! Do you have asthma? Diabetes? Or something that requires routine medicine? Are you physically fit? I’m not trying to offend you, I’m trying to prepare your mind so that you can prep successfully. What good is a 60lbs. bug-out bag if you cant pick it up or walk a mile? Don’t get offended, catastrophe doesn’t care about your feelings. Prepare accordingly!

Okay, so you’ve identified the event(s) you’re prepping for, you know why you’re prepping for the event, you’ve gotten your family on board, and you know your financial and physical limits. So, how does the actual prepping begin?

It begins with a well developed plan, driven off of the basic questions above. Do not fall into the trap of “here’s how to prepare for everything off of this one expert’s guide”. It takes a lot of thought and diligence to properly prep, so that you aren’t left with a bunch of crappy products you don’t even need. Start with the “Basic Foundation for Preppers” blog and go from there. Do your research, and prepare your mind first! Stay tuned to The American Prepper and I’ll help you along the way!


The Basics: A foundation for Preppers


Basic Prep 3: Food